Vedic Astrology For Everyone: A Beginner's Course

A Practical Guide for Self-Awareness and Helping Others

"Obviously astrology has much to offer psychology, but what the latter can offer its elder sister is less evident. So far as I judge, it would seem to me advantageous for astrology to take the existence of psychology into account, above all the psychology of the personality and of the unconscious." – Carl G. Jung

Astrology is the gateway to humanity's quest for order, meaning, and purpose throughout one's life. The history of Western astrology shows the Babylonians excelled at observing the night skies and developing the symbolic seeds of astrology. However, it was Socrates, Plato and subsequent philosophers such as Plato’s student, Aristotle, who created a geocentric link between the planets and divinity, thus, providing a subjective ideology for humans to aspire towards a similar state of divinity. Later, Polish scientist, Nicolaus Copernicus, proposed that the planets revolved around the sun ultimately changing our view of the universe from a theological geocentric model to a more scientifically precise (rational) heliocentric astronomical model regarding the sun as the unmoving center of our solar system and identifying the earth as functioning similarly to the other planets.

The history of Eastern astrology (Jyotisha) is rooted more in the oral tradition based on intuition rather than the more Western tradition of the preciseness of visual or written knowledge. Thousands of years ago, Jyotisha, along with other sacred knowledge, was thought to be cognized by ancient Seers (aka rishis) who passed this deep knowledge on orally via extraordinary intuition and memory from generation to generation. The first texts bearing this cognized knowledge were the Vedas, often seen in Hinduism, and are made up of a collection of hymns which provide humanity with symbolic keys for understanding esoteric wisdom as it applies to our reality here on earth. These keys give us virtues to assist us through the complexities of life.

Whether you follow a Western or Eastern path, both paths have a mythological quality rooted in observational astronomy showing what we observe through our senses creates an inner and outer experience. Or perhaps, our innate human perception creates a projection outward which brings about a mostly unconscious reality. Either way, for example, the observed qualities of the planet Mars being hot, sharp, dry, barren, and red can be attributed to an archetypal warrior spirit; hence, the Romans and Greeks naming this planet as their God of War (Ares). Wherever Mars is placed in your natal chart was approximately where it was at the time of your birth, and is said to possess that inner quality based on your Mind at birth; therefore, giving you that particular quality in a certain degree of character expression. Furthermore, as Mars transits our sky in real time, those Martian qualities will "trigger" certain thoughts, behaviors, and actions in your day-to-day life, albeit mostly unconsciously until we learn how to make it more conscious through learning astrology.

In order for astrology and astronomy to be useful tools for humanity, astrologers view our perspective of the night sky from earth through the natal birth chart as a psycho-spiritual systemic blueprint for understanding the awakening of man from unconscious to conscious. Why is this important? Because we are more unconscious than we are conscious. This is where the basics of Jungian Psychology can really benefit us as astrologers! C. G. Jung (1875 -1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist who pioneered various psychological techniques and research aimed at understanding the depths of human suffering. He was once a student of Sigmund Freud and broke away due to fundamental disagreements. He is known for creating methods of analysis that give expression to the archetypal imaginal realm of our existence. Methods such as dreams, active imagination, myth, fairy tales, free association, fantasies, visions, art, astrology, and tarot are "mystical" tools for interpreting symbol and providing us insight on our path toward individuation (wholeness).

In this Vedic Astrology Basics Course, students will gain a general understanding of the components of a birth chart, and the psychological structures that are present within. Psycho-spiritual knowledge provides an extraordinary depth of insight and meaning as to an individual's "blue print" of life. It is within this blueprint, we uncover 12 keys that unlock the hidden doors whose rooms contain practical wisdom to guide us on our path. Areas of life such as career, life purpose, relationships, money, and health, are all covered.

Join Kara Catrelle, PhD Student, LCSW, CVA, CAP in this course that teaches you the basics of how to harness the intelligence and wisdom of the planetary spheres as archetypes in your own natal chart. Through the examination of the astrological birth chart and Jungian Psychology, students will gain tremendous insight into their personal nature as it relates to their outer experiences in the world, thus, infusing students with a greater sense of self, life purpose, strengths, and weaknesses. Students will be using their own natal charts as a template of learning, as well as analyzing fundamental concepts within other birth charts.

By the time a student is finished with this course, they can comfortably and confidently understand their own birth chart and transits, and provide basic astrological consultations. For those who want to start a career in Vedic Astrology and require more in-depth analytical knowledge, completion of the Intermediate and Advanced courses is needed.

In this course, students will learn:

  • Introduction to basic Vedic Astrology concepts
  • History & Philosophy
  • Mythology & Symbol
  • The Gunas
  • Uses in Modern Times
  • The Planets
  • The 12 Houses
  • Resources
Who can benefit from taking the course:

Anyone interested in developing greater self-awareness to make better decisions in life.

Disclaimer: The statements made on this page are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or healthcare provider. The information provided is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a licensed or certified healthcare provider, and should not be construed as medical advice or medical opinions.

Your Instructor

Kara Catrelle, PhD Student, LCSW, CVA
Kara Catrelle, PhD Student, LCSW, CVA

Kara Sophia Catrelle, PhD Student, MSW, LCSW, owns and operates a holistic private practice specializing in Jungian Psychotherapy, Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha), Ayurveda, Tarot, and Relationship Coaching. Ms. Catrelle has over 20 years of experience in the mental health field. She earned her Master’s Degree in Clinical Social work from Loyola University-Chicago (MSW @ Carthage Program) with specialized training in Clinical Sex Therapy and Couples Counseling post-graduate and Ayurvedic training in Kerala, India. She returned to the United States and pursued Ayurvedic Wellness Consultant Certification from Maharishi University of Management (MUM) which included additional studies is Quantum Physics, Ayurvedic Cooking, Pulse Diagnosis, Aromatherapy, Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha), Hatha Yoga, Sthapatya Vedic Architecture, and Sanskrit. Ms. Catrelle also completed coursework in Depth Psychology with an Emphasis in Jungian & Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA. She is a NAMA-approved PACE provider and certified Ayurvedic practitioner and has studied at various Jungian-based Institutes throughout her career applying psychoanalytic principles as the foundation of her work with clients. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Clinical Sexology at the Institute for Clinical Sexology & Hypnotherapy in Miami Shores, FL.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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